What if you could navigate your iPhone with your eyes closed?

Transform how you interact with your device: Ferret-UI responds to gestures, simplifying every task.

Apple's latest innovation, Ferret-UI, is reshaping how users interact with their iPhones through advanced artificial intelligence. Recently unveiled, Ferret-UI is a multimodal large language model (MLLM) capable of understanding and interacting with the visual components on a mobile screen. This cutting-edge technology opens new avenues for task automation and enhances the overall user experience by making interactions with mobile devices more intuitive and accessible.

What is Ferret-UI?

Ferret-UI employs advanced AI to read and comprehend what’s displayed on your iPhone's screen. It can identify icons, detect text, and execute commands based on visual cues, simplifying tasks such as making purchases or navigating apps.

Source: Apple Research

For example, when shown an image of AirPods on the Apple Store app, Ferret-UI can guide the user to tap the 'Buy' button, demonstrating its practical utility in everyday scenarios.

A Step Towards More Accessible Mobile Technology

One of Ferret-UI's key goals is to improve accessibility. By understanding screen elements and user commands, Ferret-UI can assist users with visual impairments or other disabilities, making technology more accessible to a broader audience. Additionally, its ability to automate mundane tasks could significantly benefit all users by saving time and simplifying interactions.

While it's not confirmed whether Ferret-UI will be integrated into Siri 2.0, its capabilities suggest a significant enhancement to Apple's virtual assistant. By automating interactions and understanding screen content, Ferret-UI could potentially make Siri more powerful and responsive, enriching how users interact with their devices.

Ferret-UI's Market Impact

The introduction of Ferret-UI has sparked excitement and speculation in the tech community about Apple's future directions in AI. As companies like Meta and Google continue to advance their AI technologies, Apple's entry with Ferret-UI emphasizes its commitment to staying at the forefront of AI research and application in mobile technology.

Interestingly, Apple has also introduced an open-source version of this technology, reflecting a shift towards more collaborative and transparent AI development. By making Ferret-UI available on GitHub, Apple invites developers and researchers to explore and further develop its capabilities, potentially accelerating innovation in mobile AI.


Apple's Ferret-UI represents a significant innovation in the use of AI within mobile devices, setting new benchmarks for user interaction and accessibility. As Apple continues to develop Ferret-UI, it will be fascinating to see how this technology evolves and integrates into everyday technology use, potentially transforming our digital interactions.

While this technology heralds a new era of convenience, it also brings challenges like ensuring accuracy and reliability of AI interpretations, safeguarding user privacy, and optimizing system resources. As Ferret-UI evolves, it will be intriguing to see how Apple tackles these issues to fully integrate this technology into everyday use, potentially revolutionizing how we interact with our devices.

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